I´m making an script that if an app has a lower version or is not intalled it must install it, but the path to the .msi must be in a variable
$list=Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object -Property Displayname -Match "Scite"
foreach ( $listItem in $list ){
$flag+1 > $null
Write-Host ( " * Scite Installation Detected ")
Write-Host ( " * Scite version : "+$listItem.DisplayVersion.ToString())
if ($listItem.DisplayVersion -cle 6.0){
Write-Host ( " * Warning Vulnerability Detected" )
Write-Host (" * Out of danger")
if ( $flag -eq 0 ){
Write-Host "Not installed, so it´s gonna be installed"
PowerShells default behavior when encountering a statement consisting of a naked value expression (like $msiSciteInstaller
on a line on its own) is to evaluate it and output the result.
To invoke a string as a command, use the invocation operator (&
& $msiSciteInstaller