I have the following goal and context:
A : Type
eqb : A -> A -> bool
H : forall a1 a2 : A, eqb a1 a2 = true <-> a1 = a2
x : A
l1' : list A
IHl1' : forall l2 : list A, eqb_list eqb l1' l2 = true <-> l1' = l2
y : A
l2' : list A
IHl2' : eqb_list eqb (x :: l1') l2' = true <-> x :: l1' = l2'
H0 : x = y
H1 : l1' = l2'
x :: l1' = y :: l2'
Is there a tactic that allows me to apply H0
and H1
and complete this proof?
Yes, it's called rewrite
(see the refman). You can do
rewrite H0, H1.
or alternatively
rewrite H0.
rewrite H1.
EDIT: You can also use f_equal
(doc), which should immediately discharge your goal.