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How to Pass the Image(Barcode image) through c# to rdlc file

I am trying to give the barcode Image to rdlc file but i am getting that red cross symbol instead of barcode

Code I have tried:

rdlc file content:

<Image Name="imgBarcode">

And also:

    <ReportParameter Name="imgBarcode">

C# code:

string BRFilepath = @"C:\dev_work\PatagoniaHealthSOURCE\tempFiles\Webcontent\0df5c4fb-56ca-47e0-ace2-0c6b435a01de\temp\Img2DBC_48e9b39e-c8e7-4b80-a9d4-7e9f01d85b39.jpg";
                rptDoc.ReportPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + sReportFileName);

                ReportDataSource rptDsBHReportDetails = new ReportDataSource("dsPatientLabOrderLabels_dtPatientLabOrderLabels", dtLabOrderLables);
                ReportParameter param = new ReportParameter();
                param = new ReportParameter("imgBarcode", BRFilepath);

I am converting it in pdf and showing later on after showing result i am getting like the above X red symbol.


  • I resolved by adding External instead of Embedded in source tag

    From this :

    <Image Name="imgBarcode">

    To this:

    <Image Name="imgBarcode">