I just created a blank Nativescript Vue project (Typescript) and tried to bind a string to the type attribute of a Label - does not work (style gets completely ignored). I also tried in Nativescript Playground, same result.
Example Code is:
<ActionBar title="Example" />
<Label style="font-size: 34" text="WORKS" />
<Label :style="myStyle" text="DOES NOT WORK" />
export default {
data() {
return {
myStyle: "font-size: 34"
<style scoped>
You can reproduce in Nativescript Vue Playground. On my Mac I'm using Nativescript 8.1.2 with nativescript-vue 2.9.0.
I would expect it should be possible to do something like this. Any help appreciated, thank you.
In order to use a computed style with the bind mechanic, you need a styleObject consisting of the rule-name as key, and the value as... well the value.
<ActionBar title="Example" />
<Label style="font-size: 34" text="WORKS" />
<Label :style="myStyle" text="DOES NOT WORK" />
export default {
data() {
return {
myStyle: {
font-size: '34px'
<style scoped>