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How do I type CTRL + ] on a QWERTZ keyboard (in order to jump to a tag with Vim)?

In Vim, the usual way to jump to the definition of the keyword under the cursor is to type CTRL-] (as claimed by :he CTRL-\]).

But when you have a QWERTZ keyboard (see below, Strg is Ctrl), you're in some trouble: there is no separate ] key on the keyboard; you'll have to press ALT GR-9 to type the ]. So, to jump to a tag, it`s neccessary to hit CTRL-ALT GR-9 which doesn't work (and is also not feasible because you'll break your fingers if you happen to use that often).

QUERTZ keyboard

So, how could I jump to a tag using my QWERTZ keyboard?

In addition, I'd also be glad if someone could explain why pressing CTRL-ALT GR-9 does not work.

I'm not interested in the obvious answers "remap to something else" or "press the mouse button".

Duplicate on Vi/Vim:


  • As weird as it reads, on AZERTY keyboards (french layout specifically) $ is at the same spot as ] on QWERTY keyboards so I must hit <C-$> to jump to definition.

    See if <C-+> does the trick.