I want to add to my IPSet 20+ IP addresses from csv file and i want to configure it from CDK. My csv file looks like that:
And my code for IPset in cdk:
with open('./test/test-ips.csv', 'r') as fin:
ips = fin.read().splitlines()
ipset = wafv2.CfnIPSet(
description='Block ips',
addresses= ips,
Now with 1 IP in the CSV file, everything works, but when i'm adding multiple IPs, i'm getting this error when i run "cdk deploy".
Resource handler returned message: "Error reason: The parameter contains formatting that is not valid., field: IP_ADDRESS, parameter: "" (Service: Wafv2, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 111aa7-81f1-411e-a222-312330957db, Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: 111111-2323-4343-06ff-69e7918ce2e4 , HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)
SOLVED: I removed the quotes from the IPs and everything works.