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Guest Software not Installed by an OSConfig Guest Policy onto an Eligible Google Compute Engine VM

A Google Compute Engine (GCE) instance ($GCE_INSTANCE_NAME) was just created within a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project $GCP_PROJECT_ID. There is an OSConfig guest policy ($GUEST_POLICY_NAME) that is supposed to install guest software packages onto $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME; however, when the Cloud SDK (gcloud) is used to lookup the guest policies applied to $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME:

gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies lookup \


No effective guest policy found for [projects/$GCP_PROJECT_NAME/zones/$GCE_INSTANCE_ZONE/instances/$GCE_INSTANCE_NAME].

$GUEST_POLICY_NAME is not listed.

When the lookup command is used for another GCE instance ($GCE_ANOTHER_INSTANCE) with identical OS version, GCE metadata and GCE labels:

gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies lookup \


│                                           SOFTWARE RECIPES                                               │
│                          SOURCE                           │        NAME        │ VERSION │ DESIRED_STATE │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/. . .              │        . . .       │ . . .   │   . . .       │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/$GUEST_POLICY_NAME │ $GUEST_POLICY_NAME │ 1.0     │ INSTALLED     │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/. . .              │        . . .       │ . . .   │   . . .       │




  • There could be a few reasons why $GUEST_POLICY_NAME isn't showing up in the response from the lookup command on $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME:

    • latency: it may take some time for OSConfig to propagate $GUEST_POLICY_NAME when $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME was just created

    • while you might have enabled project-wide GCE metadata, as suggested here, it may help to add:

      • enable-guest-attributes: TRUE
      • enable-osconfig: TRUE

      to $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME with the add-metadata command:

      gcloud compute instances add-metadata \
      --metadata="enable-guest-attributes=true,enable-osconfig=TRUE" \ 
    • if $GUEST_POLICY_NAME uses a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Bucket to store packages or executables, check to see if the GCE default service account ($GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT) has at least one curated role with the storage.objects.get permission (e.g., storage.objectViewer) with the GCS CLI (gsutil):

      gsutil iam get "gs://$GCS_BUCKET_NAME"
        "bindings": [
        . . .
          "members": [
          "role": "roles/storage.objectViewer"
        . . .

      if $GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT does not have a role with the storage.objects.get permission, you can use the ch command for the iam group to grant the storage.objectViewer curated role:

      gsutil iam ch \
      "serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT:roles/storage.objectViewer" \
    • Make sure that Private Google Access is turned on for the subnet $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME is running in:

      1. Easily discover which subnet $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME is using with both the --flatten and --format flags for the describe command:

        gcloud compute instances describe $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME \
        --flatten="networkInterfaces" \
        --format="value(networkInterfaces.subnetwork)" \
      2. Find out if $GCE_INSTANCE_SUBNETWORK has Google Private Access turned on:

        gcloud compute networks subnets describe $GCE_INSTANCE_SUBNETWORK\
        --format="value(privateIpGoogleAccess)" \

        if the above is False, then enable Private Google Access with the update subcommand for the same subnets subgroup:

        gcloud compute networks subnets update $GCE_INSTANCE_SUBNET \
        --enable-private-ip-google-access \

    And if all of the above fail, make sure that $GCE_INSTANCE_NAME aligns with all of the criteria from $GUEST_POLICY_NAME:

    gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies describe \
      - labels: . . .
      instances: . . .
      instanceNamePrefixes: . . .
      - osArchitecture: . . .
        osShortName: . . .
        osVersion: . . .
      zones: . . .