Trying to exclude any rows that have m or missing, but they are still present.
SELECT temp, wind_chill, wind_spd_flag
FROM weather
WHERE temp<0 OR wind_chill<0
AND wind_spd_flag NOT 'M' OR 'Missing';
Pretty new to this so thanks for the help!
SELECT temp, wind_chill, wind_spd_flag
FROM weather
WHERE temp<0 OR wind_chill<0
AND wind_spd_flag NOT 'M' OR 'Missing';
or multiple ands
Consider 1:
SELECT temp, wind_chill, wind_spd_flag
FROM weather
WHERE (temp<0 OR wind_chill<0)
AND wind_spd_flag NOT in ('M','Missing');
Consider 2: (<> or != depending on your envionrment)
SELECT temp, wind_chill, wind_spd_flag
FROM weather
WHERE (temp<0 OR wind_chill<0)
AND wind_spd_flag <> 'M'
AND wind_spd_Flag <> 'Missing';
Suppose we used the a valid syntax without the ()'s
WHERE temp<0 OR wind_chill<0
AND wind_spd_flag <> 'M'
AND wind_spd_Flag <> 'Missing';
We'd get all records with temp<0 and those with windchill <0 which also had to exclude windspeeds of M or Missing. It's math.. left to right no order of operations... the ()'s are needed to specify how you want the order executed.
So temps <0 with M or missing would still be present.
WHERE (temp<0 OR wind_chill<0)
AND wind_spd_flag <> 'M'
AND wind_spd_Flag <> 'Missing';
Now says, "first get the records that have a temp or windchill < 0" then exclude the missing
and m
from that result set; thereby eliminating all M and Missing wind speed flags.
TIP: ()'s matter when using ORs in combinations with ANDs