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Google Sheets query function needing to provide 0 value for no value found

The query function looks at a separate sheet with orders entered by a dealer. In some months the dealer may not have a order. The B:B column in current sheet is all the dealers in Ascending order. Then I have separate columns for by month view with 3 columns per month. Number of contracts, amount then average. My query calculates correctly, but if a dealer doesn't have a contract then it skips. So my list is out of order. I'm needing it to place a 0 if no value found. I have 2 versions of the query. J = amount, H = Dealer name, A = Date, the B = is the dealer list in current sheet. This query populates but out of order due to skipping NUll or NA.

"Select COUNT(J),SUM(J),AVG(J)
 Group By H LABEL COUNT(J) 'Contracts',SUM(J) 'Amount',AVG(J) 'Average'")

This query populates nothing, it shows the Header names but no values in rows.

"Select COUNT(J),SUM(J),AVG(J)
 AND H='"&B2:B&"'
 Group By H LABEL COUNT(J) 'Contracts',SUM(J) 'Amount',AVG(J) 'Average'")

Google Sheet View


  • try in C2:

    ={"Contracts", "Amount", "Average"; 
     INDEX(IFNA(VLOOKUP(B3:B, QUERY('2021ContractsData'!A:V,
     "select H,count(J),sum(J),avg(J) 
      where month(A)+1=1 
      group by H"), {2,3,4}, 0), 0))}