simple code in makefile
define fun
@echo this is function
78 all:
79 $(foreach objdir, $(OBJECTDIRS), $(eval $(call fun)))
the err message is : Makefile:79:* missing separator. Stop.**
Note: i have checked the $(OBJECTDIRS) is not empty and $(oobjdir) too
if i change the code to flowing lines:
define fun
@echo this is function
$(call fun())
then it's running good
The make eval
function evaluates the text you give is as a makefile (expects makefile sytnax).
The text @echo this is a function
is NOT a makefile.
In other words, if you create a Makefile and you put into it the text:
@echo this is a function
(by itself, with nothing else) and you run make
on that makefile, you'll get this same missing separator