I have a .Net Framework 4.5.1 app service that has the following code:
Console.WriteLine("🔥 Console.WriteLine");
Trace.WriteLine("🔥 Trace.WriteLine");
Trace.TraceInformation("🔥 Trace.TraceInformation");
Trace.TraceWarning("🔥 Trace.TraceWarning");
Trace.TraceError("🔥 Trace.TraceError");
I would like to be able to see logs that we log into Azure when the app is in production. So I enabled Application Service Logging for my web app:
As you can see, I have the logging level set to verbose because we want to see everything. I also have Application Insights turned on for my app. But when I check the logs, all I see are the logs at the warning level and higher.
I checked in the "logs" tab:
I also checked in my blob storage. I see logs, but they're all on a warning level or higher.
There was one way I got this to work, and that's using the feature that saves logs to a file system. But that feature turns itself off after 12 hours, and the file might get too big anyways, and I'd like to use Azure Insights since it has a nicer interface.
How can I view all my logs my application outputs over a long period of time?
If you have various trace levels in your web app but are only interested in having certain levels of logs sent to the logging endpoint, you can set a filter for the minimum level in your application settings under Configuration. By default, even without the app setting, the minimum trace level is set to Warning.
The application setting name will be APPSERVICEAPPLOGS_TRACE_LEVEL
and the value will be the minimum level (ie. Error, Warning, Verbose, etc.). Refer to TraceLevel for more info.
https://azure.github.io/AppService/2020/08/31/AzMon-AppServiceAppLogs.html (Image Source)