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Iteratively generate datablocks in gnuplot

Is it possible to iteratively generate datablocks, where the name of the datablock is build up inside the loop? Let's assume I have three fruits (in reality there are more):

array namelist[3] = ['apple', 'banana', 'pineapple']

I want to create three datablocks with the names $apple_data, $banana_data and $pineapple_data, so I tried the following:

do for [i=1:|namelist|] {
set table '$'.namelist[i]."_data"
plot ...
unset table

Unfortunately, instead of datablocks gnuplot created files with these names in the working directory. I guess gnuplot is checking whether the first character after set table is a $?

My second attempt was to remove the apostrophes around $:

set table $.namelist[i]."_data"

But this raised the weird error "Column number or datablock line expected", pointing at the period right after $.

Any ideas on how to achieve that? The reason for all this is that I read in the banana/apple data files with a lengthy path, apply some lengthy calculations within using, and reuse these for lots of successive stats and plot commands. I would like to avoid having to hard-code and copy-paste the same long path and the cumbersome using command over and over again.


  • Not sure if I fully understood your detailed intention. If you only want to avoid typing (or copy pasting) a lengthy path again and again, simply use variables:

    FILE1 = 'C:/Dir1/SubDir1/SubSubDir1/SubSubSubDir1/File1' 
    FILE2 = 'C:/Dir2/SubDir2/SubSubDir2/SubSubSubDir2/File2'
    plot FILE1 u 1:2, FILE2 u 1:2

    Anyway, you asked for dynamically generated datablocks. One way which comes to my mind is using evaluate, check help evaluate. Check the example below as a starting point, which can probably be simplified.

    Code: (simplified thanks to @Eldrad's comment)

    ### dynamically generate some datablocks
    reset session
    myNames   = 'apple banana pineapple'
    myName(i) = word(myNames,i)
    N = words(myNames)
    set samples 11
    do for [i=1:N] {
        eval sprintf('set table $%s_data',myName(i))
            plot '+' u 1:(rand(0)) w table
        unset table
    plot for [i=1:N] sprintf('$%s_data',myName(i)) w lp pt 7 ti myName(i)
    ### end of code


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