I'm working on Gauss Elimination (precisely im trying to transform a matrix into row echelon form) and immediately research some source which may help me. I found one of this pseudocode here in Wikipedia related to gaussian elimination function.
h := 1 /* Initialization of the pivot row */
k := 1 /* Initialization of the pivot column */
while h ≤ m and k ≤ n
/* Find the k-th pivot: */
i_max := argmax (i = h ... m, abs(A[i, k]))
if A[i_max, k] = 0
/* No pivot in this column, pass to next column */
k := k+1
swap rows(h, i_max)
/* Do for all rows below pivot: */
for i = h + 1 ... m:
f := A[i, k] / A[h, k]
/* Fill with zeros the lower part of pivot column: */
A[i, k] := 0
/* Do for all remaining elements in current row: */
for j = k + 1 ... n:
A[i, j] := A[i, j] - A[h, j] * f
/* Increase pivot row and column */
h := h + 1
k := k + 1
I'm not sure whether how to implement the argmax
function which is stated on line 6 of the pseudocode.
I interpret the expression argmax(i = h ... m, abs(A[i, k]))
"find the index i which maximizes the expression
over the range h..m".
So in other words. loop on i (from h .. m) and find the maximum value of abs(A[i,k]) where k is a constant value (from the containing loop) and return the index 'i'.
// inline implementation of `argmax_abs_a_ik` inside while loop
int i_max = h;
for (int i = h; i <= m; i++) {
if (Math.abs(A[i,k]) > Math.abs(A[i_max,k])) {
i_max = i;
// i_max contains result