Using PDFSharp, I would like to create one PDF-document for each distinct value in the property of the List
I am looping through.
Grouping my collection, and creating a List
var listName = collectionName
.GroupBy(p => new { p.propertyName })
Trying to execute my PDFsharp-code for every propertyName
in listName
foreach (var trip in paidTrip) {
// Getting just the name string from the specific propertyName key
string[] remove = { "{", "}", "propertyName", "=" };
string pnString = trip.Key.ToString();
foreach (string item in remove) {
pnString = pnString.Replace(item, string.Empty);
Right here is where I believe I drop the ball; how can I bring each name with me to their distinct PDF-document? I am missing that connection. So, underneath this, I start creating my PDF-document(s):
// Continued
PdfDocument doc = new();
PdfPage page = doc.AddPage();
XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
// Adding fonts and brushes...
// Adding some text, to check If I am able to grab the names of propertyName (which I am - but jut the first, once)...
gfx.DrawString(pnString, new XFont("Arial", 40, XFontStyle.Bold), myGreen, new XPoint(5, 250));
// And then, saving the PDF-document
But as I said, this just saves one PDF for the first name found. I believe it is trying to save one file per name found, but it can't, because the file has already been created with the file name specified.
So my question is: how can I make sure that each name found in the foreach loop is brought with me to when I create the PDFs, and save one PDF-document for each of them?
At the end when saving your file, you need to change the filename to be the key from your list like so:
// And then, saving the PDF-document
This will save an individual file for each of the different propertyName
Keys you performed the GroupBy
on previously.