I want to use both appsettings.json
and Azure App Configuration to provide configuration for my application. Azure App Configuration will be used by several applications and it is going to be handled via prefixes like AppName1:Auth:ApiKey
. However, part of this configuration will be kept in json file like
"Auth" : {
"Duration": "00:10:00"
As it is written here, these settings can't be fetched via single section as they have different key grouping:
- Azure App CofnigurationAuth
- appsettings.jsonI would like to have this key grouping AppName1:Auth
mapped to Auth
, but I'm not sure how to handle this.
I knot that I can change appsettings.json file to
"AppName1" : {
"Auth" : {
"Duration": "00:10:00"
However, this is something what I want to avoid. And Azure App Configuration per application is also not a solution. Is it possible?
So there is a method to do this:
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, builder) =>
builder.AddAzureAppConfiguration(options => options.TrimKeyPrefix("AppName1:"));
All credits to my workmate!