Consider following data
> temp
year v13 per_v10 per_v11 per_v12
1 1397 2506 20.11 65.13 14.76
2 1398 1759 16.66 79.99 3.35
3 1399 1754 19.44 75.43 5.13
temp<-structure(list(year = c(1397, 1398, 1399), v13 = c(2506, 1759,
1754), per_v10 = c(20.11, 16.66, 19.44), per_v11 = c(65.13, 79.99,
75.43), per_v12 = c(14.76, 3.35, 5.13)), row.names = c(NA, -3L
), class = "data.frame")
I want to make a pie plot for 4 variables (per_v10 ,per_v11 ,per_v12 ,per_v13) in three years(1397,1398,1399). It should be something like this:
with Onclick in each year(1397:1399) it shows the percent only for that year. I saw this , but it is too complicated for me to understand.
temp<-structure(list(year = c(1397, 1398, 1399), v13 = c(2506, 1759,
1754), per_v10 = c(20.11, 16.66, 19.44), per_v11 = c(65.13, 79.99,
75.43), per_v12 = c(14.76, 3.35, 5.13)), row.names = c(NA, -3L
), class = "data.frame")
# create a df
(df <- data.frame(
ids = c("total", paste0("total - ", temp$year), paste0("total - ", rep(temp$year, each = 3), " - ", rep(c('per_v10', 'per_v11', 'per_v12'), 3))),
labels = c("Total", as.character(temp$year), rep(c('per_v10', 'per_v11', 'per_v12'), 3)),
parents = c("", "total", "total", "total", rep(paste0("total - ", temp$year), each =3)),
values = c(rep(0, 4), c(t(temp[, 3:5])))
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$myplot <- renderPlotly({
data = df,
ids = ~ids,
labels = ~labels,
parents = ~parents,
type = 'sunburst',
values = ~values,
source = "myplot_source"
output$percent <- renderPrint({
clicked <- event_data(event = "plotly_click", source = "myplot_source", priority = "event")$pointNumber + 1
if (clicked < 5) "You are not clicking on the children"
else paste0("Clicked percentage is ", df$values[clicked])
shinyApp(ui, server)
I plot the most outside layer width by the percentage value you provided. If you want each bin to be evenly distributed, remove the line values = ~values,
Not sure what do you mean by Onclick in each year
. So I made it like the link you provided. When you clicked on the bins, a text bar below will be displayed the percentage of the clicked bins.
Plotting sunburst
in R is annoying, you need to reformat the dataframe. I suggest you try out the Python APIs.