I am making a uwp App, which is a widgets app, and if the user wants to reposition the widgets, (each widget is a stackpanel with content), the stackpanel should move according to the mouse, just like dragging an application window in windows, please help me I have been trying so much but got nothing!
To make the StackPanel movable, you have to add these two events to it.
In your C# code you have to create a variable and also add a using:
using Windows.Foundation;
private Point MouseDownLocation;
The event StackPanel_PointerPressed:
private void StackPanel_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
if (sender is StackPanel sp)
if (e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Properties.IsLeftButtonPressed)
MouseDownLocation.Y = e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Position.Y;
MouseDownLocation.X = e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Position.X;
And the event StackPanel_PointerMoved:
private void StackPanel_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
if (sender is StackPanel sp)
if (e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Properties.IsLeftButtonPressed)
var MarginLeft = e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Position.X + sp.Margin.Left - MouseDownLocation.X;
var MarginTop = e.GetCurrentPoint(sp).Position.Y + sp.Margin.Top - MouseDownLocation.Y;
sp.Margin = new Thickness(MarginLeft, MarginTop, sp.Margin.Right, sp.Margin.Bottom);