I use plugin com.github.bjornvester.xjc to generate java classes from xsd:
xjc {
outputJavaDir = file("${buildDir}/generated-sources/jaxb")
ext.downloaded = file("$buildDir/xjc/downloaded/schema2.wsdl")
doFirst {
mkdir downloaded.parentFile
downloaded.text = new URL("http://www.example.com/foo.xsd").text}
groups {
register("schema1") {
xsdFiles = files(xsdDir.file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/schema1.wsdl"))
register("schema2") {
xsdFiles = files(downloaded)
In my previous attempt I incorrectly assumed that xjc was a task. After looking at the github page I can see that "xjc" is an extension object, not a task
So try this:
tasks.register('downloadXsd') {
ext.xsd = file("$buildDir/downloadXsd/foo.xsd")
outputs.file xsd // important!!! configures the task outputs
doLast {
mkdir xsd.parentFile
xsd.text = new URL("http://www.example.com/foo.xsd").text
xjc {
groups {
register("schema1") {
// assuming the plugin is written properly, this should configure a task dependency
xsdFiles = files(tasks.named('downloadXsd'))
You could improve this using the download task to download the xsd which shows progress of the download and also has caching options