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Huawei sign in failed with status code 28

Even though I used last sdk, Huawei sign failed with status code 28. What causes this error?


  • About Error Code 6003, you are advised to check whether the appid is the same as the appid on AppGalleryConnect.

    Ensure that the certificate fingerprint has been configured, and the certificate for packing the signature on the local client is the same as the certificate for configuring the fingerprint in AppGallery Connect. And the JSON file is stored in the project-level directory instead of the application-level directory, check the following items configuration process carefully.

    1.Check whether the fingerprint certificate is correctly configured when you apply for related services. Open the APK file of an app, extract the META-INF directory from the file, obtain the CERT.RSA file in the directory, and run the keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA command to print the signature certificate information.

    2.HMS Core (APK) will cache the signature file. You need to find HMS Core (APK) on the Apps page of your device and clear its cache, restart your app, and perform the previous operation again.

    3.Sign in to AppGallery Connect, click My apps. On the page that is displayed, go to Develop > Project settings > conventional, check whether SHA-256 certificate fingerprint is consistent with the fingerprint in step 1.