Im trying to build this query in TYPEORM using connection.getRepository method in Nestjs.
"cars"."car" "car"
LEFT JOIN "cars"."doors" "doors" ON "car"."doorID" = "doors"."doorID"
LEFT JOIN "cars"."wheels" "wheels" ON "car"."wheelID" = "wheels"."wheelID"
LEFT JOIN "cars"."engines" "engines" ON "car"."engineID" =
("car"."Status" = 0 OR "car"."Status" = 2) AND
"car"."RetryAttempts" < 5 AND
("doors"."Status" = 3 OR "doors"."Status" = 4) AND
("wheels"."Status" = 3 OR "wheels"."Status" = 4) AND
("engines"."Status" = 3 OR "engines"."Status" = 4)
This is what i came up with but it doesnt work.
select: ["rowID"],
join: {
alias: "car",
leftJoinAndSelect: {
engines: "car.engines",
doors: "car.doors",
wheels: "car.wheels",
where: {
retryAttempts: LessThan(5),
engines: {
status: In([3,4]
doors: {
status: In([3,4]
wheels: {
status: In([3,4]
The where clause for this query looks like this
"CarsEntity"."retryAttempts" < @0
AND "CarsEntity"."status" IN (@1, @2)
AND "CarsEntity"."engineID" = @3
AND "CarsEntity"."doorID" = @4
AND "CarsEntity"."wheelID" = @5
Question is from where are are the extra fields comming from. Is it my query or should i search the entities? And what happens to my conditions for the status?
Make sure to have a version equal or greater than "typeorm": "^0.2.37",
there was a bug that is fixed in this version. Previously i was using "typeorm": "^0.2.34