I am new to Snowflake and want to know, can we use hashcodes for joining tables or finding unique records or deleting duplicate records in Snowflake(or in any other database in general)? I am designing an ETL flow, what are the advantages or disadvantages of using hashcodes and why are they generally not used often in most Data warehousing designs?
If you mean hashing with something like md5_binary or sha1_binary then yes absolutely,
Binary values are half the byte length of the equivalent varchar length and so you should use that. The benefit of using hash-keys (effectively) is that you only need a single join column if for instance the natural keys of a table might be a composite key. Now you could instead a numeric/int data type, sequence key but that imposes a load order. Example only after the related dimension tables have loaded should you build the related fact table --- if you are doing that.
Data Vault prefers durable hash-keys because it does not impose any load ordering, load in any order independently.
Anyway I digress, yes hash-keys have great advantages, just make sure they're binary data types when loaded.