I want to create a list of key-value pair with the output from /getService route.
I am able to filter the data that i wanted (Suburb and Services) from csv file vet_service_locations but want to have it as a key-value pair. Where keys are suburbs and services and values would be the relevant output.
I'm a beginner and tried different methods but nothing seems to work.
from bottle import html_quote, route, run, template, response, request
import petl as etl
from json import dumps
import csv
output = []
reading_file = etl.fromcsv('vet_service_locations.csv')
def details():
postcode = request.query.postcode
for row in reading_file:
if row[2] == postcode:
run(host='localhost', port=3000, debug=True)
Vet_service_location.csv data image is in this link
Output I'm getting
[('Adelaide', 'Small_Animal'), ('Adelaide', 'Oncology'), ('Adelaide', 'Surgery'), ('Adelaide', 'Annual_Checkup'), ('Adelaide', 'Wildlife')]
Output I want
suburb, values
[('Adelaide', 'Small_Animal'),
('Adelaide', 'Oncology'),
('Adelaide', 'Surgery'),
('Adelaide', 'Annual_Checkup'),
('Adelaide', 'Wildlife')]
So, kinda like the table, the same structure in which the vet_service_locations.csv is.
In addition to @Andrew's answer, try pprint
to output the exact format as what you wanted.
import pprint
# ...
# ...
for row in reading_file:
if row[2] == postcode:
output.append((row[1], row[4]))
print("suburb, values")
suburb, values
[('Adelaide', 'Small_Animal'),
('Adelaide', 'Oncology'),
('Adelaide', 'Surgery'),
('Adelaide', 'Annual_Checkup'),
('Adelaide', 'Wildlife')]
Or, if you want the output to be table-like, try using formatted string literals/ f-strings
# ...
# ...
sub_width = val_width = 0
for row in reading_file:
if row[2] == postcode:
output.append((row[1], row[4]))
# calculate the minimum width of each column
sub_width = len(row[1]) if len(row[1]) > sub_width else sub_width
val_width = len(row[4]) if len(row[4]) > val_width else val_width
print(f"| {'Suburb':{sub_width}} | {'Service':{val_width}} |")
for row in output:
print(f"| {row[0]:{sub_width}} | {row[1]:{val_width}} |")
| Suburb | Service |
| Adelaide | Small_Animal |
| Adelaide | Oncology |
| Adelaide | Surgery |
| Adelaide | Annual_Checkup |
| Adelaide | Wildlife |
Alternatively, the output can also be fed to a template
and returned as HTML table. You can pass any data you need to the template
as template variables. You can name the variables whatever you want, as long as the template uses the same variable names.
template(filepath, var1=data1, var2=data2, ...)
Assume you have the following project structure
|-- views
| |-- index.tpl
| ...
|-- main.py
Revise your Python script
# ...
# ...
for row in reading_file:
if row[2] == postcode:
output.append((row[1], row[4]))
return template('views/index.tpl', title="Available Vet Service", header=["Suburb", "Values"], rows=output)
Content of index.tpl
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-responsive-sm">
<thead class="thead-dark">
% for col_title in header:
<th scope="col">{{col_title}}</th>
% end
% for cell in rows:
% end
Here's the screenshot of the HTML output.