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Displaying Guest Policies Applied to a Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine Instance Using the REST API

I am able to display the OSConfig guest policies that are applied to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engine (GCE) instance ($GCE_INSTANCE_NAME) using the Cloud SDK (gcloud):

gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies lookup \


│                                           SOFTWARE RECIPES                                               │
│                          SOURCE                           │        NAME        │ VERSION │ DESIRED_STATE │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/. . .              │        . . .       │ . . .   │   . . .       │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/$GUEST_POLICY_NAME │ $GUEST_POLICY_NAME │ 1.0     │ INSTALLED     │
│ projects/$GCP_PROJECT_ID/guestPolicies/. . .              │        . . .       │ . . .   │   . . .       │

How would I retrieve the same response using the REST API? The lookup method seems to be missing from the projects.guestPolicies resource page here.


  • You're looking for the projects.zones.instances.lookupEffectiveGuestPolicy REST method, found here.

    An example for a guest policy that installs software on any version of Ubuntu:

    curl \
    --data-raw '{ "osArchitecture": "", "osShortName": "UBUNTU", "osVersion": "" }' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
    --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
    --location \
    --request POST \
      "softwareRecipes": [
        . . .
          "source": "projects/$GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER/guestPolicies/$GUEST_POLICY_NAME",
          "softwareRecipe": {
            "name": "$GUEST_POLICY_NAME",
            "version": "1.0",
            . . .
            "desiredState": "INSTALLED"
        . . .

    Note: $GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER is different than $GCP_PROJECT_ID:

    gcloud projects describe $GCP_PROJECT_NAME
    . . .
    projectId: $GCP_PROJECT_ID
    projectNumber: "$GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER"

    Note: The values for the POST body keys

    • "osArchitecture"
    • "osShortName"
    • "osVersion"

    can be found for $GUEST_POLICY_NAME using either gcloud:

    gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies describe \
    --flatten="assignment.osTypes" \
    │ . . .           │ . . .         │ . . .      │
    │                 │ UBUNTU        │            │
    │ . . .           │ . . .         │ . . .      │

    or the REST API:

    curl \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
    --location \
    --request GET \
        . . .
        "assignment": {
            . . .
            "osTypes": [
                . . .
                    "osShortName": "UBUNTU"
                . . .
            . . .
        . . .

    Note: if "osArchitecture" and/or "osVersion" are missing or blank, you should leave these values as empty strings when using the REST method above ("").