I want to make two transformations to the amount
column of following df:
Address type amount
0 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250,000 VSO
1 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250,000 VSO
2 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250,000 VSO
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_us')
to every row, turning every string into a float following that format.The current code I have is:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_us')
df_test['amount'].str.split(' VSO')[0]
Which yields me the error:
ValueError: could not convert string to float: "['250000 VSO' '250000 VSO' '250000 VSO' '33333 VSO' '33333 VSO'\n '10400000 VSO' '170833 VSO' '170833 VSO' '170833 VSO' '170833 VSO'\n
Try with apply
after removing the trailing "VSO" with rstrip
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_us')
df["amount"] = df["amount"].str.rstrip(" VSO").apply(locale.atof)
>>> df
Address type amount
0 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250000.0
1 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250000.0
2 0x88aDa02f6fCE2F1A833cd9B4999D62a7ebb70367 outflow 250000.0