This is my current firebase real-time database rules.
"rules": {
".read": "now < 1633017600000", // 2021-10-1
".write": "now < 1633017600000", // 2021-10-1
I understand that these rules are not secure but is there any way I can extend these rules beyond 2021-10-1 by changing the numbers? Can't find anything regarding '1633017600000' in the documentation.
That is just Timestamp since UNIX Epoch in milliseconds. If you want to update to extend that time you can get a timestamp at Epoch Converter and enter your desired duration to get the timstamp. If you just don't want the time at first place then set the rules to true:
"rules": {
".read": "true"
".write": "true"
Again, setting these to true allows anyone to read/write to database so I'd recommend implementing the security rules as per your use case.