This problem looked so simple for me when I face with it yesterday! But when I didn't find similar question on google I realized it is not as simple as what I thought!!!
So if there is any similar question that I didn't find since yesterday please let me know.
I'm trying to pass data from database using Laravel. I used UUID as primary key for Notifications table instead of auto-increment primary key (this is a default option for notifications table in Laravel!).
I can fetch and read all other columns as what they are but ID column which is UUID type comes as 0 OR 0 OR 5 or just any other single numbers however the real ID can be 1367dc99-ee67-4f0f-b0eb-c2215831d7db
Frankly, I have no idea what is wrong either with the method I used in the Laravel or in Vue JS axios.
Is there any specific technique that I should use to read UUIDs from backend to frontend? Please help me with this.
I attached codes from Laravel and Vue JS Axios down below. If there is anything missing in my question please let me know.
Laravel Code
$notifications = Notifications::where('notifiable_id', auth()->user()->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
return response()->json(
"notifications" => $notifications
Vue JS Axios GET Method
data () {
return {
loading: false,
unreadNotifications: []
methods: {
async Notifications () {
this.loading = true
await axios.get('/user/notifications/unreads')
.then((response) => {
this.unreadNotifications =
.finally (() => {
this.loading = false
the output is [ 0, 5 ]
If you want to display your id
like this : 1367dc99-ee67-4f0f-b0eb-c2215831d7db
, then modify your query by :
$notifications = DB::table('notifications')
->where('notifiable_id', auth()->user()->id)
return response()->json([
"notifications" => $notifications