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Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value E/flutter (28057): #0 DBHelper._createDB

I created a class for database operations, when i trigger the function of insert to data base to print occurs with this error: Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value E/flutter (28057): #0 DBHelper._createDB, also there is no print occures once initialize an object of DBHelper. i think null-able _db object is the reason. what is the solution?

database class:

class DBHelper {
  factory DBHelper() => instance;
  static final DBHelper instance = DBHelper._();
  Database? _db;

  Future<Database> _createDB() async {
    // If the app is opened just now
    if (_db == null) return _db!;
    // Open db too create a db
    // or to take an instance of it

    // Get the default databases location.
    // and join the name of app db
    String path = join(await getDatabasesPath(), 'todo.db');
    return _db = await openDatabase(path, version: 1,
        onCreate: (Database database, int version) {

          "CREATE TABLE tasks(id integer autoincrement PRIMARY KEY,content varchar(150),status varchar(9),isFinished BOOLEAN) ");
      print("\n TABLE executed \n");
    }, onOpen: (_) {
      print("\n opened \n ");

  Future<int> insertNoteToDB(NoteDatabaseModel noteDatabaseModel) async {
    Database _database = await _createDB();
    return await _database.rawInsert(
        'INSERT INTO tasks(content,status) values("${noteDatabaseModel.content}", "today")');
    // return await _database!.insert('tasks', noteDatabaseModel.toJason());

the implementation of sql:

class TodayPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const TodayPage();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      DBHelper dbHelper=DBHelper();

     return  MaterialButton(
                      onPressed: () async{
                        // DBHelper _db = DBHelper.instance;
                        NoteDatabaseModel note=NoteDatabaseModel(content: "hey",status: "today");
                         int x= await dbHelper.
                       print("\n print all Data ${  await dbHelper.
                      child: const Text("Click Me"),


  • What do you think this line does:

    if (_db == null) return _db!;

    If I would have to guess, I'd say it should be:

    if (_db != null) return _db;