I have a polar plot in Gnuplot given by
set polar
set angles degrees
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset raxis
set ttics 0,30
set grid polar linestyle 1 dashtype 2 linecolor rgb 'grey'
set samples 200, 200
unset border
set xrange [-0.51:0.51]
set yrange [-0.51:0.51]
set size square
unset key
plot sin(2*t)*cos(2*t)
Which gives the following output:
Any help will be appreciated.
In order to remove the rtics
do set rtics scale 0
You can set the starting angle for polar graph (check help theta
), however, only to {right|top|left|bottom}
and not to 45°, but this still wouldn't help you here.
So, probably you have to set the labels "manually". Maybe there is an automatic way which I am not aware of. Check the following example.
### set rtics on 45° "axis"
reset session
set polar
set angles degrees
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset raxis
set ttics 0,30
set grid polar linestyle 1 dashtype 2 linecolor rgb 'grey'
set samples 200, 200
unset border
set xrange [-0.51:0.51]
set yrange [-0.51:0.51]
set size square
unset key
set rtics scale 0
set format r ""
myRTics = "0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5"
do for [i=1:words(myRTics)] {
r = word(myRTics,i)
set label i sprintf("%s",r) at r*cos(45),r*sin(45) center
plot sin(2*t)*cos(2*t)
### end of code