Please take a look at
in which I
func iterate(count int) []int
on line 25iterate 5
on line 15That's all OK, but, when call it with iterate (printf "%d" 3)
on line 20, I got the error of:
template: t:12:39: executing "t" at <3>: wrong type for value; expected int; got string
Wouldn't the (printf "%d" 3)
get executed first and when passed to iterate
, it'll become iterate 3
? Why the above error instead?
Full code enclosed:
package main
import (
var x = `{{define "t1"}}
{{- index . 0}} {{index . 1}} {{index . 2}} {{index . 3}}
{{end -}}
hello, {{template "t1" args . 543 false 0.1234}}
{{- range $val := iterate 5 }}
{{ $val }}
{{- end }}
{{ (printf "%d" 3) }}
{{- range $val := iterate (printf "%d" 3) }}
{{ $val }}
{{- end }}
func iterate(count int) []int {
var i int
var Items []int
for i = 0; i < (count); i++ {
Items = append(Items, i)
return Items
func args(vs ...interface{}) []interface{} { return vs }
func main() {
t := template.Must(template.New("t").Funcs(template.FuncMap{"args": args, "iterate": iterate}).Parse(x))
err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, "foobar")
if err != nil {
You are correct that the printf “%d” 3
gets evaluated first. The problem seems to be that printf “%d” 3
produces a string, but your iterate
function has an argument of type int
. The string
will not be converted.