I was following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTz3VZmNPSE&list=PLxEus0qxF0wciRWRHIRck51EJRiQyiwZT&index=16
when the code has returned my this error.
I need to scrape a pdf that looks like this (I wanted to attach the pdf but I do not know how):
English (US) into Arabic (DZ)
Trans./Edit/Proof. 22.117,00 Words 1,350 29.857,95
TM - Fuzzy Match 2.941,00 Words 0,500 1.470,50
TM - Exact Match 353,00 Words 0,100 35,30
I am following the tutorial aforementioned with pdfplumber.
import re
import pdfplumber
import PyPDF2
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
ap = open('test.pdf', 'rb')
Serv = namedtuple('Serv', 'case_number language num_trans num_fuzzy num_exact')
I have 5 different lines compared to the tutorial example which has 2.
case_li = re.compile(r'(\d{6}\w{2}\d{2})')
language_li = re.compile(r'(nglish \(US\) into )(.*)')
trans_li = re.compile(r'(Trans./Edit/Proof. )(\d{2}\.\d{3})')
fuzzy_li = re.compile(r'(TM - Fuzzy Match )(\d{1}\.\d{3})')
exact_li = re.compile(r'(M - Exact Match )(\d{3})')
When I introduce the third line in the code, I got an error which I do not know. I have modified the code as 2e0byo suggested but I still get an error.
This is the new code:
line_items = []
with pdfplumber.open(ap) as pdf:
page = pdf.pages
for page in pdf.pages:
text = page.extract_text()
for line in text.split('\n'):
line = case_li.search(line)
if line:
case_number = line
line = language_li.search(line)
if line:
language = line.group(2)
line = trans_li.search(line)
if line:
num_trans = line.group(2)
line = fuzzy_li.search(line)
if line:
num_fuzzy = line.group(2)
line = exact_li.search(line)
if line:
num_exact = line.group(2)
line_items.append(Serv(case_number, language, num_trans, num_fuzzy, num_exact))```
and this is the new error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_13992/1572426536.py in <module>
10 case_number = line
---> 12 line = language_li.search(line)
13 if line:
14 language = line.group(2)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
It would be to append the lines to line_items and eventually
df = pd.DataFrame(line_items)
You have reassigned line
, here:
for line in text.split("\n"):
# line is a str (the line)
line = language_li.search(line)
# line is no longer a str, but the result of a re.search
so line is no longer the text line, but the result of that match. Thus trans_li.search(line)
is not searching the line you thought it was.
To fix your code, adopt a consistent pattern:
for line in text.split("\n"):
match = language_li.search(line)
# line is still a str (the line)
# match is the result of re.search
if match:
# line is *still* a str
match = trans_li.search(line):
if match:
For completeness' sake, with the dreaded walrus operator you can now write this:
if match := language_li.search(line) is not None:
Which I briefly thought was neater, but now think ugly. I fully expect to get downvoted just for mentioning the walrus operator. (If you look at the edit history of this post you will see that I have even forgotten how to use it and wrote it backwards first.)
PS: you may wish to read up on variable scope in python, although no language I know would allow this particular scope collision (overwriting a loop variable within the loop). Incidentally doing this kind of thing by mistake is why conventionally we avoid similarly-named variables (like line
and Line
) and go with things like line
and match