I'm having a real hard time finding any examples of how to error handle in AsyncPG. I am executing this query:
await pg_con.execute("UPDATE users set x = $1, y = $2 WHERE z = $3", x, y, z)
I want to be able to catch any SQL errors, such as if the record does not exist. How do I do this?
asyncpg has module exceptions with all possible exceptions. You can catch specific error, e.g.:
import asyncpg
await pg_con.execute("UPDATE users set x = $1, y = $2 WHERE z = $3", x, y, z)
except asyncpg.ForeignKeyViolationError as e:
print('error occurred', e)
or just catch asyncpg.PostgresError
or even Exception
Also, it's sometimes easy to check exception detail in python interpreter:
await pg_con.execute(query)
except Exception as e:
breakpoint() # then use e.__class__, e.args, dir(e), etc