Search code examples

arrange by Frequency

Task: design a function such that it returns a sorted vector pair with highest frequency element first and if two elements have same frequency, arrange them in sorted order(increasing) by element.

Does it have any conceptual error?

Is it possible to further decrease it's complexity


1 2 4 8 4 9 2 0 9 4 2
out: number frequency
2 3 4 3 9 2 0 1 1 1 8 1



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// sort function
bool mySort(pair<long long,long long> &a, pair<long long,long long>&b){
        return (a.first<b.first);
        return (a.second>b.second);

vector<pair<long long, long long> > sortWithFrequency(vector<long long> v){

    vector<pair<long long, long long> > v_new;
    map<long long, long long> m;
    vector<long long>::iterator p= v.begin();


   map<long long, long long>::iterator mp = m.begin();

        v_new.push_back(pair<long long,long long>((*mp).first,(*mp).second));

    sort(v_new.begin(), v_new.end(), mySort);

    return v_new;  

int main() {

    long long testcase;

        long long N;
        cin >> N;

        // declaring vector
        vector<long long> v;

        for(long long i = 0;i<N;i++){
            long long k;
            cin >> k;

    // calling function to perform required operation
        vector<pair<long long, long long> > v_new = sortWithFrequency(v);
        vector<pair<long long, long long> >::iterator it;

        for(it = v_new.begin();it!=v_new.end();it++){
            cout << it->first << " " << it->second << " ";
        cout << endl;


    return 0;


  • You have too many containers. You need basically only need 2.

    And, there is a more or less standard approach for counting something in a container.

    We can use an associative container like a std::map or a std::unordered_map. And here we associate a "key", in this case the input number to count, with a value, in this case the count of the specific input number.

    And luckily the maps have a very nice index operator[]. This will look for the given key and if found, return a reference to the value. If not found, then it will create a new entry with the key and return a reference to the new entry. So, in both cases, we will get a reference to the value used for counting. And then we can simply write:

    std::unordered_map<long long, unsigned int> counter{}; for (const auto& c : myData) counter[c]++;

    And that looks really intuitive.

    After this operation, you have already the frequency table. Either sorted, by using a std::map or unsorted, but faster accessible with a std::unordered_map.

    The std::unordered_map will be a key factor here. It will be very fast because it uses hashes.

    And, we can read the values from std::cin and directly do the counting. That will save memory.

    To sort it, we copy the counter into a std::multiset with a custom sort operator. Then we get automatically what we want.

    Please see below the optimized solution

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <utility>
    #include <set>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <vector>
    #include <type_traits>
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create aliases. Save typing work and make code more readable
    using Pair = std::pair<long long, unsigned int>;
    // Standard approach for counter
    using Counter = std::unordered_map<Pair::first_type, Pair::second_type>;
    // Sorted values will be stored in a multiset
    struct Comp { bool operator ()(const Pair& p1, const Pair& p2) const { return (p1.second == p2.second) ? p1.first<p2.first : p1.second>p2.second; } };
    using Rank = std::multiset<Pair, Comp>;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Test / Driver Code
    int main() {
        // Get number of test cases
        long long numberOfTestCases{}; std::cin >> numberOfTestCases;
        // Work on all test cases
        while (numberOfTestCases--) {
            // Read the number of elements that must be evaluated
            int numberOfElements; std::cin >> numberOfElements;
            // Define and initialize counter
            Counter counter{};
            // Read and count all elements
            while (numberOfElements--) {
                // Read value and count it immediately
                long long value; std::cin >> value;
                // Count
            // Sort
            Rank rank(counter.begin(), counter.end());
            // Output
            bool printBlank{ false };
            for (const auto& [number, count] : counter)
                std::cout << (std::exchange(printBlank, true) ? " " : "") << number << ' ' << count;
            std::cout << '\n';