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Angular 11 - text-decoration: line-through does not work properly with class binding

So I am making a todo app and I want to add stroke to the done tasks but the problem is that it is not working properly.

my .css file

    text-decoration: line-through

and the element in the .html file

<div *ngFor="..." [class.stroke]="task.isDone">Task Text </div>

What is happening is that whatever value isDone have at first will determine whether or not the item gets the stroke. Because when I toggle it later on, it doesn't change but it should!

This is how it looks when it is first loaded.

enter image description here

But when I uncheck it. The line through doesn't go away

enter image description here

and yes I am binding task.isDone with the checkbox


I tried it on the latest version of chrome & latest version of Safari

Has anyone faced a similar issue with the text-decoration property?


  • Use [(ngModel)] binding.

    <div *ngFor="let task of tasks" [class.stroke]="task.isDone">
      <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="task.isDone" />
      {{ }}


    With (change) event and [checked] binding.

    <div *ngFor="let task of tasks" [class.stroke]="task.isDone">
      <input type="checkbox" [checked]="task.isDone" (change)="task.isDone = !task.isDone" />
      {{ }}

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