I would like to use Notepad++ to substitute the decimal digits of a column of numbers with an equivalent amount of white spaces.
For example, this input (vertical bars are there on purpose)
| 1.23|
| 45.678|
would become
| 1 |
| 45 |
|901 |
Basically, the dot and decimal digits have been substituted with a dynamic number of white spaces: 2+1 spaces for the first row, 3+1 for the second, 4+1 for the third.
I've looked at a few different posts like this and have tried something like: replace \.\d+
with \s+
, without success.
Try this in notepad++ if I have understanded you well,
Find: ^([ |\d]*)\.|\G\d{1,1}
Replace with: $1
after $1 there is a single space
Now it is possible with Notepad++
Updated answer
There is a prove with image