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Google AdMob for PHP based Hybrid Mobile App

I have created a web app using PHP, Vanilla JS and Jquery that is 100% responsive and is created with the sole purpose of being used as a mobile application only. Once completed I will integrate it with Flutter WebView for generating an apk file. I will also later convert it to ios. This app is currently in development stage and I stand at a point where I need to integrate a revenue modal like Google Admob. However, I see that google only provides native android and ios sdks. Is there any way how I can integrate Admob with my PHP based mobile app? This can also be a Core PHP based library or plugin that is written to support Admob in a PHP based mobile responsive web app. Anything that can help.

Also, does Adsense and Admob provide same amount of revenue? Or, is there a difference between the earning potential of both?


  • There is only one Correct way to do this, all the other ways will get you a violation strike.

    You should use Admob in flutter any other walkaround may get you blocked by Google FOREVER!

    To answer your questions:

    • There is no way to make Admob work on web
    • Admob is better for mobile apps and Adsense is better for websites