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How to add a custom 404 page and a different Error page (for other errors) in SvelteKit?

Basically, how to do the ff. in SvelteKit:

  • Add a custom 404 page first.
  • Have a different generic Error page that will show a message/description about the error in SvelteKit


  • After reading through the updated docs, I found this:

    If an error occurs during load, SvelteKit will render a default error page. You can customise this error page on a per-route basis by adding an +error.svelte file:

      import { page } from '$app/stores';
    <h1>{$page.status}: {$page.error.message}</h1>

    SvelteKit will 'walk up the tree' looking for the closest error boundary — if the file above didn't exist it would try src/routes/blog/+error.svelte and src/routes/+error.svelte before rendering the default error page.

    Of course, this is your own error page component so you may modify it however you want.

    Outdated solution:

    If you have the following in your code, please update it to the updated solution found in the docs (as shown above).

    1. Create an __error.svelte file in your routes folder.
    2. Inside that file, you can do this as shown in the docs:
    <script context="module">
      export function load({ error, status }) {
          return {
              props: {
                  title: `${status}: ${error.message}`
      export let title;
    1. We're not done yet! You can check for the status code and then render different screen components. (You can configure the props inside the load function, by the way):
    <script context="module">
      export function load({ error, status }) {
          return {
              props: {
                  message: error.message,
                  status // same as status: status
      import ErrorScreen from '../components/screens/ErrorScreen.svelte'; // your own Error screen component
      import NotFoundScreen from '../components/screens/NotFoundScreen.svelte'; // your own 404 screen component
      export let message;
      export let status;
    {#if status == 404} <!-- Used '==' instead of '===' to match string/number status code (just to be sure) -->
      <NotFoundScreen />
      <ErrorScreen {message} {status} />
    1. You're all set! You can test it out by changing the #if status == 404 to like #if status == 500 to see if everything works. (Don't forget to change it back to 404).