I'm new to Svelte Native. I was following the Quick Start steps on docs. Installing nativescript
and creating the new Svelte-Native app with npx degit halfnelson/svelte-native-template myapp
were no issue.
But, after I've cd myapp
and then ran ns preview
(immediate continuation of the screenshot above):
Note: I did tns
on the second attempt because I saw that on the screenshot on the docs, just to test it out and see whether it will work (but it didn't, too).
So should I just wait 'til the Preview service has been enabled? If not, I don't know how to configure local builds and use "ns run " instead. How will I do that?
I also posted an issue about this here. And thankfully, the NativeScript team answered my question. I'd like to post this here in case anyone runs into same trouble.
The Playground and the Preview app has been disabled until further notice, the implementation is in progress for a better user experience.
ns run
you can deploy your app to your iOS/Android device or simulator. To configure your local builds you should install Xcode or install Android Studio.You can read more info on the Environment Setup.
Once you have Xcode installed, you can do this:
ns run ios
Or on AndroidStudio:
ns run android