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bash variable as a command: echo the command before execution and save the result to a variable

I am executing a chain of curl commands:

  1. I need to echo the command before the execution.
  2. Execute the command and save the result to a bash variable.
  3. Get values from the result of the execution and execute the next curl with that values.

This is how it looks like:

#  -----> step 1 <-----
CMD="curl \
        --insecure \
        --dump-header - \

echo $CMD && eval $CMD
OUT="<result of the curl command???>"

# Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5D5B29689EFE6987B6B17630E1F228AD; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
JSESSIONID=$(echo $OUT | grep JSESSIONID | awk '{ s = ""; for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) s = s $i " "; print s }' | xargs)

# Location:
URL=$(echo $OUT | grep Location | awk '{print $2}')

#  -----> step 2 <-----
CMD="curl \
        --insecure \
        --dump-header - \
        --cookie \"$JSESSIONID\" \
echo $CMD && eval $CMD
OUT="<result of the curl command???>"

#  -----> step 3 <-----

I only have a problem with the step 2: save the full result of the curl command to a variable in order to I can parse it.

I have tried it many different way, non of them works:

  • OUT="eval \$CMD"
  • OUT=\$$CMD
  • OUT=$($CMD)
  • ...

What I missed?


  • For very basic commands, OUT=$($CMD) should work. The problem with this is, that strings stored in variables are processed differently than strings entered directly. For instance, echo "a" prints a, but var='"a"'; echo $a prints "a" (note the quotes). Because of that and other reasons, you shouldn't store commands in variables.

    In bash, you can use arrays instead. By the way: The naming convention for regular variables is NOT ALLCAPS, as such names might accidentally collide with special variables. Also, you can probably drastically simplifiy your grep | awk | xargs.

    cmd=(curl --insecure --dump-header - "$url")
    printf '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"; echo
    # Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5D5B29689EFE6987B6B17630E1F228AD; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
    jsessionid=$(awk '{$1=""; printf "%s%s", d, substr($0,2); d=FS}' <<< "$out")
    # Location:
    url=$(awk '/Location/ {print $2}' <<< "$out")
    #  -----> step 2 <-----
    cmd=(curl --insecure --dump-header - --cookie "$jsessionid" "$url")
    printf '%q ' "${cmd[@]}"; echo
    #  -----> step 3 <-----

    If you have more steps than that, wrap the repeating part into a function, as suggested by Charles Duffy.