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Amazon S3 Copy files after date and with regex

I'm trying to copy some files from S3 sourceBucket to targetBucket, but I need to filter by date and by prefix. I wish it could be done with AWS CLI, but at the moment I'm stuck with list-object or with cp command.

I can filter correctly with

aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket sourceBucket --query 'Contents[?(LastModified > `2021-09-01`)]' --prefix "somePrefix_"

With the CP I can copy the files, but only by prefix

aws s3 cp s3://sourceBucket/ s3://targetBucket/ --recursive --include "somePrefix" --exclude "*"

I tried to come up with some ideas using the header --x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since but it looks like you can use it with the command aws s3api copy-object and it copies one item at a time (doc). I read some answers/docs and I think I understood che cp command doesn't filter by date, but only by prefix.

Do you have any idea on how to solve this? Thank you in advance!


  • Since you already have a list with objects you want to copy to another bucket, I suggest writing a bash script which does the copying for multiple objects:

    content=$(aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket $SOURCE_BUCKET --query 'Contents[?(LastModified > `2021-09-01`)]' --prefix $PREFIX | jq -r ".[].Key")
    for file in $content;
        aws s3api copy-object --copy-source $SOURCE_BUCKET/$file --key $file --bucket $DESTINATION_BUCKET | jq

    Please note, this scripts requires jq to be installed.