I have an existing git repository (e.g. in my organisation's private repository) consisting of several sub-projects organised in specific folders. It there a way to clone each of these sub-projects to specific second remote repositories (e.g. on github)? I'm aware of git subtrees which seems to be convenient the other way around (having existing subprojects as dependencies in a new overall project). However, using subtree would require me to remove the sub-projects from the existing overall project and add them as subtrees again, if I understand correctly.
A requirement is to be able to push the entire project including its sub-projects to the private organisation's remote repository, to achieve a working version there.
Have you read the subtree docs?
split [<local-commit>] Extract a new, synthetic project history from the history of the <prefix> subtree of <local-commit>, or of HEAD if no <local-commit> is given. The new history includes only the commits (including merges) that affected <prefix>, and each of those commits now has the contents of <prefix> at the root of the project instead of in a subdirectory. Thus, the newly created history is suitable for export as a separate git repository.
Sounds like what you want.
Here's a worked example;
Init a demo repo;
mkdir subtree-split
cd subtree-split/
git init
git commit -m "Init." --allow-empty
Add some content for project A;
mkdir A
touch A/README.txt
git add A/
git commit -m "Readme for A."
Add some content for project B;
mkdir B
touch B/README.txt
git add B/
git commit -m "Readme for B."
Split off B as a new subtree;
git subtree --prefix=B/ split
Make a new repository to push just the history of B to;
cd ..
mkdir subtree-B
cd subtree-B
git init
git commit -m "Init subtree-B." --allow-empty
Push the subtree B history to the remote;
cd ../subtree-split/
git subtree --prefix B/ push ../subtree-B HEAD
Check the history of B;
cd ../subtree-B
git log --all --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
a26e5de (HEAD -> master) Init subtree-B.
0523c62 (HEAD) Readme for B.
No history of A!