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In Google Tag Manager, how do I get data from all members of dataLayer array?

I'm doing a dataLayer push for e-commerce purchases. Following the GTM guide, the product items are in an array. The issue is pulling the data: all the guides I've seen mention using an array index -- e.g. transactionProduct.1.price to get the price for the 2nd item. But is not a robust solution: what if the user buys 100+ items? I can't hard-code the array index for this reason. So, how do I dynamically capture the properties in this case? I think I need to use the Custom JavaScript User-Defined Variable, but what would that look like (an example would be helpful)?


  • I believe I've figured it out:

    If our dataLayer push looks like this:

        'event' : 'purchase',
        'ecommerce': {
            'transaction': {
                'actionField': {
                     // ...
                'products': // an array of objects...

    Then, this GTM Custom JavaScript variable will return a list (of prices for each item):

        var productList = {{NAME_OF_DATA_VARIABLE_ON_GTM_OF_ENTIRE_PUSHED_OBJECT}}.transaction.products;
        return (obj) {
            return obj.price;