Context: I'm trying to create 3 schedules - one that gathers stock data daily, weekly and monthly (and then push this data onto MySQL).
Question: Is there a way to run these 3 jobs on the background? I'm using visual code studio and when I close the IDE, the scheduler seems to stop running in the background. I was testing it out by saving certain data in a csv file, but this only seems to work when I have the IDE and terminal open.
What APScheduler allows you to do is simply to "delay" actions to match a predefined schedule, not to run a task as a daemon (or in back ground, if you prefer).
From here, there are two ways to go. Either you manually start a daemon within python as explained here, or you let your OS launch the application as a daemon for you.
The more general solution would probably be to let your code create a daemon, even though (at least on Linux), it's likely to be easier to let your OS handle it.
However, since I don't know what your OS is, and since starting a daemon from python isn't that hard, I would recommend to go for the python-handled way.