I am looking for a way to extract LABELs from c3d file.
import c3d
r = c3d.Reader(open('capture.c3d', 'rb'))
for frame_no, points, analog in r.read_frames():
print('{0.shape} points in this frame'.format(points))
I can read c3d files but it does not give label or other details.
I can see that there are labels through MOKKA and I can extract details using MOKKA.
However, I cannot find any way to find extract labels through python coding, not MOKKA.
Is there any way to extract labels from c3d files?
Per the source (I can't test as I have no c3d data), this will likely work:
import c3d
r = c3d.Reader(open('capture.c3d', 'rb'))