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deploy custom docker image to helm values.yaml airflow on GCP

Hi everyone I'm new in helm and kubernetes.

I'm using Airflow in my GCP kubernetes cluster, my objective is run my requirements.txt using a custom docker image

FROM apache/airflow:2.1.0

COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

I saw a lot of videos and examples with kind and the upgrade de image manualy with this command and targeting defaultAirflowRepository to airflow-custom

kind load docker-image airflow-custom:1.0.0 --name airflow-cluster

But I want include the image in each deploy of my values.yaml upgrade, can I do that?.


I'm using GKE and my docker image is a local Dockerfile, I want use this image in my deployment, it is necesary upload the image to docker hub or container registry repository to use it, or it is posible to use this image from my local repository in the values.yml?


  • thank you for the help, I searched for everywhere and it is not possible upload only my Dockerfile, is necessary up my image to a repository, no matters whish repository, in my case I used docker hub as you told me.

    Other option for production is the repository of container registry from GCP, after that I only need point my image with the respective version to the yml file