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Extract a single line of data from numerous text files and import into Excel - with different string lengths

I didn't want to hijack a thread, but I am working off of this OP's application: Extract a single line of data from numerous text files and import into Excel

The solution there is amazing and works for his application:

    Sub ExtractGPS()
    Dim filename As String, nextrow As Long, MyFolder As String
    Dim MyFile As String, text As String, textline As String, posGPS As String

    MyFolder = "C:\Users\Desktop\Test\"
    MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "*.txt")

    Do While MyFile <> ""
        Open (MyFolder & MyFile) For Input As #1
        Do Until EOF(1)
            Line Input #1, textline
            text = text & textline

        Close #1
        MyFile = Dir()
        posGPS = InStr(text, "GPS Position")
        nextrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row + 1
        Sheet1.Cells(nextrow, "A").Value = Mid(text, posGPS + 33, 37)
End Sub

So I am also in need to extract text from multiple text files, however with my application I will have different sized string lengths that will not always equal 37 characters in length.

Sheet1.Cells(nextrow, "A").Value = Mid(text, posGPS + 33, 37)


    for example:
GPS Position                    : 50 deg 7' 33.40" N, 5 deg 30' 4.06" W
GPS Position                    : 20 deg 7' 22.0" N, 9 deg 2' 3.5" W
GPS Position                    : 50 deg 7' 29.401" N, 5 deg 20' 9.095" W

I am a noob to VBA but know enough to make things happen. To me it seems like there has to be a way to specify until the end of line. Or I need to make a variable that counts the number of characters until if finds a carriage or something in that manner.

Obviously in the OP's original application the the string length wouldn't vary and the above GPS Positions would never print out like I have above. If someone could help me out with my application I would greatly appreciate it.



  • You can use InStr to return the index of the next linebreak and use that, with some math, as the length argument of Mid. Like:

    Mid(Text, posGPS + 33, InStr(posGPS, Text, vbCr) - posGPS - 33)

    Note: If vbCr isn't working, you can try vbLf as well.