Search code examples

Concatenate few rows into a single row with comma seperated using string_agg in postgreSQL


CREATE TABLE clique_bait.page_hierarchy (
  "page_id" INTEGER,
  "page_name" VARCHAR(14),
  "product_category" VARCHAR(9),
  "product_id" INTEGER
sample input 
  ('1', 'Home Page', null, null),
  ('2', 'All Products', null, null),
  ('3', 'Salmon', 'Fish', '1'),
  ('4', 'Kingfish', 'Fish', '2'),
  ('5', 'Tuna', 'Fish', '3'),
  ('6', 'Russian Caviar', 'Luxury', '4'),
  ('7', 'Black Truffle', 'Luxury', '5'),

  "visit_id" VARCHAR(6),
  "cookie_id" VARCHAR(6),
  "page_id" INTEGER,
  "event_type" INTEGER,
  "sequence_number" INTEGER,
  "event_time" TIMESTAMP

sample input: 
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '1', '1', '1', '2020-02-04 19:16:09.182546'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '2', '1', '2', '2020-02-04 19:16:17.358191'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '6', '1', '3', '2020-02-04 19:16:58.454669'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '9', '1', '4', '2020-02-04 19:16:58.609142'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '9', '2', '5', '2020-02-04 19:17:51.72942'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '10', '1', '6', '2020-02-04 19:18:11.605815'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '10', '2', '7', '2020-02-04 19:19:10.570786'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '11', '1', '8', '2020-02-04 19:19:46.911728'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '11', '2', '9', '2020-02-04 19:20:45.27469'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '12', '1', '10', '2020-02-04 19:20:52.307244'),
  ('ccf365', 'c4ca42', '13', '3', '11', '2020-02-04 19:21:26.242563'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '1', '1', '1', '2020-01-18 23:40:54.761906'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '2', '1', '2', '2020-01-18 23:41:06.391027'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '4', '1', '3', '2020-01-18 23:42:02.213001'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '4', '2', '4', '2020-01-18 23:42:02.370046'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '5', '1', '5', '2020-01-18 23:42:44.717024'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '5', '2', '6', '2020-01-18 23:43:11.121855'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '7', '1', '7', '2020-01-18 23:43:25.806239'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '8', '1', '8', '2020-01-18 23:43:40.537995'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '8', '2', '9', '2020-01-18 23:44:14.026393'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '10', '1', '10', '2020-01-18 23:44:22.103768'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '10', '2', '11', '2020-01-18 23:45:00.004781'),
  ('d58cbd', 'c81e72', '12', '1', '12', '2020-01-18 23:45:38.186554')


CREATE TABLE clique_bait.event_identifier (
  "event_type" INTEGER,
  "event_name" VARCHAR(13)

Sample input
  ('1', 'Page View'),
  ('2', 'Add to Cart'),
  ('3', 'Purchase'),
  ('4', 'Ad Impression'),
  ('5', 'Ad Click');

The output i need is Visit_id, Page_name which are added to cart concatenated with commas

my query

select visit_id, string_agg(page_name::character varying, ',') 
within group (order by sequence_number) as cart_items                        
from e 
join clique_bait.page_hierarchy ph 
on e.page_id = ph.page_id 
join clique_bait.event_identifier ei 
on ei.event_type = e.event_type
where event_name = 'Add to Cart'
group by visit_id

is not working, error: function string_agg(character varying, unknown, integer) does not exist


  • Give this a shot:

    select visit_id, string_agg(page_name, ',' order by sequence_number) as cart_items                        
    from events e 
    join page_hierarchy ph on e.page_id = ph.page_id 
    join event_identifier ei on ei.event_type = e.event_type
    where event_name = 'Add to Cart'
    group by visit_id

    The order by sequence_number within the string_agg(...) function will sort your comma separated output based on sequence number.

    Here's an example with the sample data you provided:

    Here're the results of that:

    visit_id | cart_items   
    :------- | :------------
    d58cbd   | Kingfish,Tuna