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Error while generating report in apache-jmeter-5.4.1.tgz

sh -n -t filePath.jmx -l outFilePath.jtl -e -o folderPath

Error generating the report: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5

In resume

Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5
  • currently using Java version "17" 2021-09-14 LTS
  • MacOS big SUR version 11.4
  • the properties files are fresh and values are equal to the default ones
  • Jmeter 5.4.1
  • outFile.jtl
1632430450882,1117,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1111,0,256
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430452312,585,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,585,0,144
1632430452238,758,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3832,557,3,3,Url_hidden,757,0,137
1632430452301,806,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,805,0,136
1632430452962,550,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,550,0,152
1632430453328,593,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,2,2,Url_hidden,592,0,135
1632430453276,815,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3840,557,1,1,Url_hidden,814,0,142

The thread run successfully and the jtl file is created as well.

I quite new on Jmeter and tried to see where that "size" attribute is currently locate to see how change it, but could not find it on any *.properties file

any though how can be this fixed, what the message is referring to?



  • This error is likely due to an incompatibility of JMeter with Java 17 (as mentioned by Dmitri T).

    Whilst we wait for a fix, a workaround would be downgrading to Java 16. I can confirm this solved the issue for me.