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How to install graphicsmagick with freetype support in heroku?

I'm trying to get GraphicsMagick to work on a heroku-20 stack, but am running into issues.

All the buildpacks I could find either were not working on the 20 stack, or if they did, they didn't include freetype support.

My "best try" was using


to get at least the gm command to work, however, when trying to apply some text on an image, i run into this error:

 Error: Command failed: gm convert: FreeType library is not available (/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/n019003l.pfb) [No such file or directory].

Did anyone manage to get this working, or point me to how could I approach this problem?


  • I faced the same problem. And finally, I solved the problem and now the gm library is working perfectly.

    First, you should make your Heroku stack be: Heroku-18

    by run this in terminal

    $ heroku stack:set heroku-18

    Second, you should add these two Buildpack in Heroku:

    like this: enter image description here Note: The order is important

    The final Heroku project settings must be like this:

    enter image description here