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PHP ZipArchive limited to 10mb

I have a project where the user can add multiple files to a cart and then zip them into a single file and download all of them at once.

It seems though that as soon as the cart gets bigger then 10mb it cannot create the zip file. I thought this might be because of upload_max_filesize, but that is set to 200m and same for post_max_size.

What would be limiting this?

Here is my code. It creates a random file name, then checks the cart loop and adds each file.

    // create object
$zip = new ZipArchive();

$filename = "loggedin/user_files/ABX-DOWNLOAD-".rand(1, 1000000).".zip"; 

while (file_exists($filename)):                   
    $filename = "loggedin/user_files/ABX-DOWNLOAD-".rand(1, 1000000).".zip"; 

// open archive 
if ($zip->open('../'.$filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
    die ("Could not open archive");

// add files
//echo $all_audio;

    foreach($audio_ids as $audio_id){
        if($audio_id != ""){
            $audio = Audio::find_by_id($audio_id);
            $selected_category        = Categories::find_by_id($audio->category_id);
            $selected_sub_category    = Sub_Categories::find_by_id($audio->sub_category_id);
            $selected_sub_sub_category    = Sub_Sub_Categories::find_by_id($audio->sub_sub_category_id);

            $f = "uploads/mp3/".$selected_category->category_name."/".$selected_sub_category->sub_category_name."/".$selected_sub_sub_category->sub_sub_category_name."/".$audio->media_path; 
             $zip->addFile($f) or die ("ERROR: Could not add file: $f");  


// close and save archive
$zip->close() or die("ERROR: COULD NOT CLOSE");


  • Well, narrowed it down. A pathname was corrupted and was making the zip error out because the file did not exist. Looks like I need some better error checking.