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How to implement a Treeview in a Razor Page

I make a tree view in razor page

As I tried to call multiple tree views simultaneously in the .cshtml file, I ended up using a recursive function.

program sequence

  1. Get all tree data from DB
  2. Bind tree data to TreeNode
  3. Display in html using recursive function

So while I was looking for it, I found something that can make html directly in the back and I'm going to use it. When creating jsonresult, "There was a case where the js function itself was not recognized due to a problem.

I want to know if there is a way

Is the way I'm building my tree a very strange way now?

 public class TreeNode
            public List<TreeNode> subTreeNodes { get; set; } 
            public string dataName { get; set; }
            public bool deployment { get; set; }
            public string board_id { get; set; }
            public TreeNode(string dName)
                dataName = dName;
                deployment = false;



public IActionResult OnGet()
            List<TreeNode> treeData;
            IQueryable<tbl_tree> iqueryTree;
            iqueryTree = _context.tbl_tree.Where(x => x.upcode == "AAAAAA");
            var datas = iqueryTree.ToList();
            tree_List = new List<TreeNode>();
            for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; i++)
                TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(datas[i].name);
                treeNode.subTreeNodes = ConstructorData(datas[i].icd11);
                treeNode.board_id = datas[i].icd11;


            TempData.Set("TreeData", tree_List);

            jsonData = UpdateRecursiveData(tree_List[1]);

            return Page();

public  List<TreeNode> ConstructorData(string str)
            List<TreeNode> treeNodes = new List<TreeNode>();
            IQueryable<tbl_tree> iqueryTree;

            iqueryTree = _context.tbl_tree.Where(x => x.upcode == str);
            var datas = iqueryTree.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; i++)
                TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(datas[i].name);
                treeNode.board_id = datas[i].icd11;
                treeNode.subTreeNodes = ConstructorData(datas[i].icd11);


            return treeNodes;


How will you package "in jsonresult?"

JsonResult UpdateRecursiveData(TreeNode tn)
            JsonResult jsonResult = new JsonResult(
            "<input type = 'checkbox' onclick = requestMyAction( '" +tn.board_id+"', this.checked, 'loader-"+tn.dataName+"');' />" +
            "<div class='loader' style='display: none;' id='loader-'" +tn.dataName+ "'> "+tn.dataName+ "</div>" +
            "<br />");
            //if (tn.deployment)

            //for (int i = 0; i<tn.subTreeNodes.Count; i++)
            //    UpdateRecursiveData(tn.subTreeNodes[i]);

            return jsonResult;


this cshtml

<input type="checkbox"
               onclick="requestMyAction('@Model.tree_List[0].board_id', this.checked,
        'loader-@Model.tree_List[0].dataName');" />

        <div class="loader" style="display: none;" id="loader-@Model.tree_List[0].dataName">

        <div id="data">

remove all null


  • this error is syntax error js complier is not working in VS studio

      string strResult =
              "<div style='padding: 0 0 0 10px ;display:"+defaultView+"'id='"+tn.dataName+tn.upCode+"'>" +
              "<input type='checkbox'style='visibility:"+subCheck+";'onclick=requestMyAction('"+tn.icd11+"',this.checked,'"+tn.dataName+tn.upCode+"');>" +
              "<span onclick = 'CallViewBorad("+tn.board_Id + ")' >"+tn.dataName+" </span>";